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looking for pcb designer!!!

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Newbie level 6
Newbie level 6
Apr 7, 2011
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i am looking for somone to design me a pcb baord, well not design it, make it into a file that i can send to a board maker. i have already made 3 versions of my board with transfers and etching, i have it as small as i can 1.5 inch x 2 inch. with a professional board it would get smaller and cleaner. i have tried making the file myself, but the programs are in greek to me. i cannot find any of the components i use.
the board is for a retifier/voltage regulator. 3 terminals for input wires, 6 schotty 6 amp diodes to regulate 3 phase voltage to dc, 100uf 25v cap at diode outputs, going to a ti ptn78060wah switching regulator. 9.1 k ohm resistor for setting regulator output, same cap at reg output. 3 amp diode on output, resistor for led before 3 amp diode to indicate power being generated. pos neg out, led pos neg out.
its a simple board, but i may need 100s, and for the money its not worth my time to make myself.
i have a completed board somone can go off of, and know all of my components. looking for somone to get me a design. would gladly compensate depending on the price. thanks for your time.

could you send me schematic?
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heres a taste of what im doing, nxt is first inline, but if nto heres the board scan 004.jpgscan 006.jpgscan 007.jpg
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texas instruments has a footprint for the voltage regulator in these programs:

Cadence Allegro v13.6+
Mentor Boardstation v8.7+
Mentor PADS-PowerPCB v3.5+

ok, ill draw it out and you can re arrange it to make it fit small, i was half trying to draw it liek i made it then kinda gave up and just finished it. ill draw it now

ok, ill draw it out and you can re arrange it to make it fit small, i was half trying to draw it liek i made it then kinda gave up and just finished it. ill draw it now

do you have a circuit maker so that you can design your circuit there

i do not but heres a better picture scan 008.jpg

once one person volunteers i get 10. the baord is done. thank you everyone for all your help.

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