You shouldn't restrict it to VHDL, that part is so old there probably was never a VHDL model written. Most everything from Micron if it even had a model was written in Verilog back in early 2000s.
If you can obtain a Verilog model you'll have to translate it to VHDL so it will run on ghdl.
ads-ee is correct! All Micron models I have come across are modeled in Verilog.
I primarily use VHDL, but since I always use a mixed language simulator so this has never been a problem.
Try to contact Micron if they have (which I highly doubt) and willing to provide your the VHDL model of an old part. Else I am afraid you need to convert manually.
As GHDL is not a mixed simulator, the model has to be written in VHDL.
I know it is a old part.
However, the goal is to write a controller for the EG4S20 embedded SDRAM and the MT48LC2M32 seems close enough to test all functionalities of my controller.
Meantime, I found a timed functional model of mt48v16m16lf.
Moreover, it seems to be written as a fully parametrizable model.
Will try to change parameters to match my needs.
Do you know of a Verilog to VHDL converter that works well enough?
I saw: