I'm looking for a small microcomputer board containing a modern microprocessor (e.g. ARM or PIC32) with an accessible external memory bus (i.e. something with at least 16 address pins and 8 data pins that will allow me to interface to memory mapped peripherals). On the board I need:
at least 2 serial ports; Ethernet; possibly optional WiFi, enough flash memory for my application, or at least a basic OS capable of running my application from memory card; interface to some kind of memory card (e.g. Compact Flash) for memory expansion; enough RAM for my application - say 64K. I do not need graphics, sound etc. Preferably the board needs to be low cost. I would most likely mount it as a daughterboard on a carrier board with the necessary IO circuitry on it.
Can you suggest a board that might do this job?
Thanks - Rowan