Looking for Matlab code for WSN simulation

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How to save and load a matlab program ?(please explain with detailed explanation dont refer sites)?
Actually I've written my program in the default workspace that comes when we open matlab **broken link removed**.............. after I've finished the execution I've saved(by pressing Ctrl+S) it in a directory but when I was trying to open the '.mat' file again with matlab I'm not getting the file back............ So, what could be the problem??????????????????

hi every body... i need to know what is the difference between voronoi fuzzy and logic fuzzy please if any one now write the answer i need it in my project i would like to construct wsn and divide it to voronoi region dy ueing voronoi fuzzy clustering algorithm

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hi every body... i need to know what is the difference between voronoi fuzzy and logic fuzzy please if any one now write the answer i need it in my project i would like to construct wsn and divide it to voronoi region dy ueing voronoi fuzzy clustering algorithm

hi every one can any one help me in matlab iam working on voronoi fuzzy in wsn please any one have information about that type of fuzzy and its implementation in matlab help me
and i also need to construct thistable in matlab

V1(2.5,2)	V2(4.1,1.3)	V3(5.4,0.8)	V4(6.8,3.0)	V5(8.8,2.5)
              Qxy		Qxy		Qxy		Qxy	         Qxy
V1(2.5,2)	0		0.2		0.3		0.4		0.6
V2(4.1,1.3)   	0.2		0	        0.1		0.2		0.4
V3(5.4,0.8) 	0.3		0.1		0		0.1		0.3
V4(6.8,3.0)	0.4		0.2		0.1		0		0.2
V5(8.8,2.5) 	0.6		0.4		0.3		0.2	 	0
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hello every body...
i need help in creating matlab code for fuzzy c-means clustering the wireless sensor network but not using Ready functions (fcm in matlab)please any one can help me tell me i degin with the code but iam not get agood result please help me because i need it in my project and iam very late and if not end it i will Foiled in my study

hi every body i need to create random membership function for each node with respect to each cluster head in the wsn but i need this random values to be as : the summation of the membership value for each node with all cluster heads =1 and the sum of all membership values less than the total number of nodes i want to do this in matlab to find the fuzzy c-means clustering algorithm please any one can help me

Re: Help on WSN+MATLAB

I have a code using matlab GUI to deploy a nodes on an axes and move any node i need and measure the distance between them if u r intersted pls relpy

Hey craft2002, i am working on node deployment in wsn. As i am new in matlab, i need a code for random node deployment in 500x500 area 1000 nodes with 2J of energy with a base station.

Re: Help on WSN+MATLAB

I have a code using matlab GUI to deploy a nodes on an axes and move any node i need and measure the distance between them if u r intersted pls relpy

can u plz send those codes for reference of my project as soon as possible

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