Looking for information about Intelligent Networks

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Re: IN

magnetra said:
I need some info on "Intelligent Networks".

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Re: IN

Intelligent Network is a part of SS7. The main services of IN is Toll Free. Other than that, there're PVN (Private Virtual Network) and LNP (Local Number Portability).

This is a brief info. For detailed, refer to DKK attachment.


IN was invented to introduce new features and services over existing telco nodes without impact of their limited service capabilities. As does parlay (tried to do as it is not so popular as IN). But IN has got at the purpose of manufactorers - those are to blame for complicated standard.
It started from capability set 1 CS1 then CS2, Camel with currently increasing version numbers ...
This standard for sure was designed to preserve big companies area from small companies impact.
(it is profi(t)bus of the telco)

IN is not part of SS7 , of course its operations are sit on top mtp sccp tcap stack, but it is not what the ss7 is.

As example of IN implementations :
televoting system
alert call
call back

IN nodes are :
- SCP is where the service logic run
- SSF is a mean to control call under supervision of SCP (where IN script is ran)
- SRF is imxo something to offer announcement and may be more facilities
-SDP is for database purposes in IN network.

Re: IN

IN stands for intelligent network or they call it now AIN advanced intelligent network , it uses subservices in the SS7 protocol stack to function here is a good tutorial about it

Re: IN

what is use of intelligent networks



Re: IN

IN is used in many services like:

Shortcut number (you dial a short number that is nation-eide unique to get the nearst branch of Pizzahut for example)

LNP Local Number Portability (you have the same number whatever the operator is

Toll-free services (emergency, 800 services,..)

Re: IN


Please see attached document which explains about IN.


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