Looking for electronics Brokers to find microcontrollers... any trusted source ??

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Newbie level 5
Jul 29, 2022
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Hi all,
i hope i've used the right forum section,
anyway, i'm looking for old microcontrollers, Ti's and STM, and other IC's,
i'm using some european brokers, often with poor results, so i'm here to ask if you can suggest some valid and trusted broker,
i know there are a lot of scammers around, some of them are listed in the ERAI website, ( https://www.erai.com/erai_blog/3160/_hundreds_of_component_buyers_scammed_by_fraudulent_websites ) but every day there are tons of new brokers and eventually fake brokers ..
So i wanna know if there are some brokers you tested directly..
Thank you,

Sorry. Can't recommend anyone. You can look for brokers on linked in or ask your acquaintances who purchase microcontrollers from brokers.


    Points: 2
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Outfits like Rochester buy up OEM material and parcel
it out at high markup. If you want legit parts that have never
left the factory tape / tube / tray, those are your best bet.
You won't like the "vintage collectible" pricing model.

I have seen others popping up post-COVID-supply-chain-
f*ckery, especially in the higher-value product segments
but these may be more opportunistic, possibly not exactly
in cooperation with the OEM. You'd have to peel back a
couple of layers to suss that out.
every day I receive messages from Asian suppliers on linkedin, but it is difficult to verify if they are reliable or not.. there is no feedback... often they don't have the name of the company, just a generic email and they ask to be paid with wire transfers. Some friends of mine tried and received the components, everything went well.. but I would need to buy thousands of dollars worth of components and I can't just "try"... I also found an escrow service, (https://www.brokerforum.com/) and I'd like to try it but they require a subscription, did anyone know this yet?
I have used the TBF platform before and I am not sure if I can provide you with some suggestions.

why do you use old microcontrollers instead of new ones? maybe most of them are EOL.

You can purchase through TBF, but you have a high probability of encountering counterfeit goods. You understand.

If you are planning to purchase old microcontrollers, you must find trusted brokers to avoid potential scams.
I may not be able to provide information about trusted brokers, but I have some suggestions that may help you. Like,
  1. Looking for some reputed electronic industries, e.g., Mouser Electronics that are more likely to be trusted.
  2. Check manufacturer-authorized distributors who provide genuine components.
  3. Always verify the broker's credentials while purchasing.
  4. Prefer secure brokers with clear return policies to avoid limited buyer protection.

We usually buy the components from Mouser and Digikey.

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