1) Copy "C:\Program Files\Nova$\Debu$$y\share\PLI\modelsim_pli\WINNT\novas.dll"
to "C:\Program Files\ModeltechXXX\win32"
2) Add a line to "C:\Program Files\ModeltechXXX\modelsim.ini"
after [vsim]
1.copy <debussy_install_dir>\share\PLI\modelsim_pli\WINNT\novas.dll ----> <modelsim_install_dir>\win32
2. modify modelsim.ini,
add Veriuser = novas.dll after the line of [vsim]
I think the VCD files is too huge. If your plan use the other simulator to product the database for debuggin in the Debussy, you can use the Systemtask of FSDB to dump the FSDB files for Debussy. For same function, the VCD is 300M, the FSDB is 300K.