Looking for CPU benchmarking program for Windows

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Dec 29, 2001
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cpu benchmarking

Does anyone know of cpu benchmarking program for windows?
Note that I have searched and try a couple programs but they all seam to read the information prived by the system. I don't want that. What I'm after is something that estimates the cpu clock from real computing tets.

Re: cpu benchmarking


search for spec Benchmarks
They are industry standards fort CPU performance.

In a weak situation sandra sisoft may help you.


Re: cpu benchmarking

go to https://www.anandtech.comand https://www.tomshardware.com and read the articles there and see what is being used for benchmarking these days. there are benchmarking softwares for specific parts of the computer. some benchmark the graphics card GPU and some benchmark the overall system.

but i have to tell u that benchmarking is of no importance to me. its just another form of marketing. dont always believe on the statistics of benchmarks.

for a look view the following links

**broken link removed**
**broken link removed**
**broken link removed**

just keep on clicking the "next" link and see the graphs

and one thing more. can u change your avatar please.

Re: cpu benchmarking

Thanks, Sandra seams what I'm looking for.

I'm not looking for benchmarking on marketing point of view. Quite on the contrary. What I want to be able to demonstrate to the manufactor is that my pc has a problem (it randomly - as far as I can tell - gets very slow)

Regarding the avatar. Yes, I can change it, but can you explain why in your opinion should I do it?

Re: cpu benchmarking

I'm not looking for benchmarking on marketing point of view. Quite on the contrary. What I want to be able to demonstrate to the manufactor is that my pc has a problem (it randomly - as far as I can tell - gets very slow)

okay i get it. but do u think that the manufacture will believe the benchmarks when he doesnt believe you. usually manufacturers dont listen to things like "my PC gets very slow".

there can be a number of reasons why your PC is working slower. have u tried a fresh install of your OS. how much is your ram. u cant argue with your manufacturer that my 64MB ram doesnt work like a 1GB DDR (500MHz) module. were there any power-outs recently?

there can be hundereds of possibilities for your system to go slow.

as for the avatar, i said that because the picture is actually shows a brain in which a number of people are having sex. i cant believe that a masterpiece of creation such as the human brain can be filled with such things.

anyway its up to u!

Re: cpu benchmarking

samcheetah said:
okay i get it. but do u think that the manufacture will believe the benchmarks when he doesnt believe you. usually manufacturers dont listen to things like "my PC gets very slow".

Yes, I know that. And that's why I want to be able to prove that the computer has a serious problem (btw, I could not prove it with Sandra).

To be more precise, my computer has a Centrino 1.6 Ghz with 1 Gb RAM and I'm positive I know what its normal speed should be. I use to run a lot of unix scripts. When it gets slow, those scripts take perhaps ten times longer. It is than enough to reboot to get the original speed.
My problem is that this behaviour is random an if I send it back to the reseler they will have problems to reproduce it. That is why I wanted to have some kind of "benchmarking proof"

I see your point with the avatar issue, though it's quite arguable, and not by me, I mean. You surely know that famous picture presumably of Freud "What's in the man's mind"

Anyway, thanks for your input.

Re: cpu benchmarking

does this happen more often when u are running the scripts?? when did u start noticing this?

btw, I could not prove it with Sandra

yeah with specs like 1.6GHz and 1Gigs of ram u could never prove that your computer is slow. as u said this happens randomly, but when u are benchmarking ur PC might be performing its best. one more thing, which motherboard are u using?

about the avatar, i said its up to u

cpu benchmarking

What's is the benchmask>?
Can give some books about it?

Re: cpu benchmarking

well i dont know about any books of benchmarking. but ill tell u what it is. a benchmark is a test for the cpu (or any other part of the computer) which shows the performance in terms of a bar graph. usually benchmarking softwares have a reference system and show the comparison of your system with respect to the reference systems. a benchmarking software actually runs certain threads and calculates the time taken by the system to give the result. faster is always better!

ill say it again that dont be fooled by benchmarks. usually benchmarking softwares performs tests optimized for a specific processor (usually Intel). benchmarks are just a marketing strategy.

gaonkc if u go to hardware review sites u will see that when a new processor or motherboard is launched articles are written that tell about the new product. usually a comparison with the products already in the market is given which is in terms of a benchmark

Re: cpu benchmarking

gaonkc said:
What's is the benchmask>?
Can give some books about it?


A. Search for your request in google
B. Look at the following site:
1. h**://www.specbench.org/

* -> t


Re: cpu benchmarking

samcheetah said:
does this happen more often when u are running the scripts?? when did u start noticing this?

In fact story is a bit longer. I already had it sent to th reseler, where they changed the processor and the hard disk (the disk also had problems). I talked to them and they didn't find the prblem with the previous processor, but they changed it anyway. Now, with the replaced processor I still have the speed problems. The only program the proves my point is Matlab. With its benchmark this computer is either the fastest (when it behaves normaly) or nearly the slowest. I start to beleave that this a problem related with overheating of this model.
The computer is an Asus and the motherboard is an Intel (don't know more details).

Re: cpu benchmarking

how about the ram. did the reseller check it too???

so u think that heat is the prime suspect. then u should do something to eliminate it. have u tried another fan for the case. or try a watercooling solution.

u say that the computer is an Asus and the motherboard is Intel. i havent heard that Asus makes computer systems. and if they did, why did they fit in an Intel board. Asus boards are better than Intel boards in some respects.

Re: cpu benchmarking

samcheetah said:
how about the ram. did the reseller check it too???
No, and I hadn't think on that possibility.

so u think that heat is the prime suspect. then u should do something to eliminate it. have u tried another fan for the case. or try a watercooling solution.
The fan works (when the computer decid it).
What is a "watercooling solution"? I already tryied the fridge but I'm reluctant to put it under water (just joking).

u say that the computer is an Asus and the motherboard is Intel. i havent heard that Asus makes computer systems. and if they did, why did they fit in an Intel board. Asus boards are better than Intel boards in some respects.
Sorry, I'm not sure what is the motherboard. It might very well be Asus (I could'n find in the paper docs)

Re: cpu benchmarking

No, and I hadn't think on that possibility

well then get a ram module from someone that is compatible with your board and check whether the problem persists.

and did u do a clean install of your OS. maybe that might solve the problem

The fan works (when the computer decid it).
What is a "watercooling solution"? I already tryied the fridge but I'm reluctant to put it under water (just joking).

a single fan might not be enough. because as u suspect that heat might be the problem. so u should get another fan for your case. or u can buy a water-cooling kit. it works like the watercooler in your car. water flows through tiny pipes in a block of metal placed on the CPU. the water absorbs heat from the CPU and radiates it through the radiator fins. but maybe one or two fans on the case might do the job. and before doing that run the system with the case covers removed. that way there wouldnt be much heat being developed.

Sorry, I'm not sure what is the motherboard. It might very well be Asus (I could'n find in the paper docs)

maybe that might not even be the problem. or maybe it is :?

good luck and do tell me if u got rid of your problem

Re: cpu benchmarking

samcheetah said:
and did u do a clean install of your OS. maybe that might solve the problem

Yes, but I'll do it again

good luck and do tell me if u got rid of your problem
I'll do that (a PM perhaps)

Thanks again for your suggestions (and sorry for the ofending avatar).

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