Re: About PIC16F84??
Hi !
You can download PicbasicPro demo version at:
There is a link to download.
The demo version has some restrictions (extracted from the readme.txt file):
"Version Information
This is the demo version of the PicBasic Pro Compiler. It supports up to 31
program instructions and several of the more popular 14-bit core PIC MCUs.
A listing of the supported processors is at the end of this document.
Comments and VAR statements are not included in the 31 instruction limit,
while each label used does count as 1 instruction. The INCLUDE instruction
is not available in this demo version.
The full manual and more information about this program may be found at
Demo version PICmicro MCU support:
16F627(A), 16F628(A), 16F84(A), 16F870, 16F871, 16F872, 16F873(A), 16F874(A),
16F876(A), 16F877(A): Supported.
All other available PICmicro MCUs are unsupported in this demo version but
supported in the full version which may be purchased from melabs below."