Looking for a web developer job in Dubai

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Find work in Dubai

I am Mahshid.28 years old.I have bachelor degree in computer engineering.I am web developer.I have experience for about 7 years.I ma expert in HTML,Coldfusion,Javascript,Photohop,Flash,Frontpage,Dreamweaver,ASP,content editing,attracting users for site,make sites abled for people who have disabilities)

Re: Find work in Dubai

well, dubai is somehow different from the other arab cities...it is somehow westernized....not better than the usual cities but different from them...and we're always looking for different places to just change the ambiance...it has lots of shopping areas too...and has strong infra structure supporting any future investement projects

Find work in Dubai

I live in dubai . Yay I'm so cool :d

Re: Find work in Dubai

i know that theres a lot of call center there in dubai.. so how much is the range of the salary??

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