Looking for a list of all IC types

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Newbie level 3
Aug 7, 2012
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Hey friends i wanna learn about diffent kind of ics i no its very hard to learn it but i jus req u to tell me all the list of ic and its basic purpose if u have any link of sites plss send me i am very need of it.

Re: List of all ic types.

If you are referring to packaging types there is a list here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_integrated_circuit_packaging_types

If you are referring to purpose, there are hundreds of thousands. "IC" stands for integrated circuit, it is a circuit in a small package, and as such, the possibilities are near endless. Here is Mouser's catalog, for example, which is not a complete collection of all the ICs that exist: https://www.mouser.com/Semiconductors/Integrated-Circuits-ICs/_/N-6j73k/

You can read more here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Integrated_circuit

Can you be more specific?

Re: List of all ic types.

not specific and all its like we need to use a driver ic for motor application 555 ic for timing application so i jus wanted tono how many kinds of ics are there to serve diff purpose???

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like i wanted to no about application of all ics ?

Re: List of all ic types.

Then, as I said:

If you are referring to purpose, there are hundreds of thousands. "IC" stands for integrated circuit, it is a circuit in a small package, and as such, the possibilities are near endless.

Rather than attempting to learn and memorize every type of IC in existence -- a virtually impossible task -- a more productive approach will be to decide what you want to do first, determine your design requirements, then attempt to find an appropriate solution.

For example, start with a goal: You want to control a motor based on some type of input. Then specify your requirements and work from there, searching for the components you need. Experience with specific situations will give you an idea of what to use in those situations.

It sounds like you need a goal. Why don't you come up with a simple project idea (or two), then design and build it? You will learn a lot in the process, and you can always come to this forum for help along the way!

Your question as it stands is too general, and the list you are looking for cannot be provided because it is too large. That said, perhaps you can get some ideas of common ICs from Google.
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