Looking for a free C compiler for 8052

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Member level 5
Jun 21, 2011
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I need a C compiler for 8052 can any1 give me its name and download link????

Re: Need a compiler?????

Most discussions at edaboard are referring to the Keil C compiler. But it's not free and this isn't the place to suggest pirate software links.

You may however test a free evaluation version, but it's code size limited Keil 8051 Microcontroller Development Tools

The most popular free 8051 C compiler is SDCC, a gnu port. SDCC - Small Device C Compiler

Re: Need a compiler?????

hey thannara123 thanks for the reply but i need a C compiler for 8052 and not 8051

Re: Need a compiler?????

but i need a C compiler for 8052 and not 8051
Everyone apparently assumed, you would know that they share the same achitecture. 8051 is also used as a synonym for the 805x processor family.

Re: Need a compiler?????

thanks FvM,actually im a beginner

Re: Need a compiler?????

No problem. The compiler will use include files (e.g. 8052.h) or other settings to know about the specific processor properties as memory sizes and special function registers.

Re: Need a compiler?????

ya got to know... but you can use c51 compiler with keil microvision2 from the keil website given by FVM... in that page select the evaluation software and then download c51 compiler and start working....

Re: Need a compiler?????

**broken link removed**
Read it

Re: Need a compiler?????

hey thannara ive downloaded the mikroElektronika - 8051 Compiler now should i include the header file 8052.h or just proceed writing the program please guide me

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