Looking for a Bluetooth Chip

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Feb 23, 2002
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Bluetooth Chip.

Hi All,

I looking a chip Bluetooth, same of BGB101 (phillips)
Can you send me some reference ?

best regards Yodathegreat

Re: Bluetooth Chip.

Hi, most manufacturers of Bluetooth IC still have tight control of their ICs toady. The best you can get is some brief product info about the BT chips.
If you really need the detailed info, you have to get in touch with the IC vendors or distributor, probably need to sign some Non-disclosure Agreement with them before getting what you want.

This is the path I have taken in my bluetooth work. 8)

Re: Bluetooth Chip.

Please browse the web site of CSR. They are top 1 bluetooth chip provider now.

Re: Bluetooth Chip.

CSR are the most widely used of Bluetooth chips, in Phones, Headsets, Computers and now in Automotive.

WHY? :?

1: More choices for BGA pitch and package sizes than anybody else.
2: USB or 2 or 4 wire Uart.
3: Internel or external flash memory.
4: With or without audio, and audio mono or stereo.
5: Internal or external RF ciruitry.
6: Excellent software and support.
7: Enhanced data rate up to 2.1Mbits and full BT compliance
8 Just a nice bunch of guys to talk to.

Good enough for me.


Re: Bluetooth Chip.

The datasheet for the BGB101 chip can be found on the Philips web site

**broken link removed**

I'd like to use bluetooth on a project of mine to replace an rs232 link between pieces of equipment but unfortunately that's just beyond me at the moment.

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