Logical question about memory

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Member level 3
Apr 8, 2007
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Dear friends
I want to have a memory location( Non volatile) say "cal" which will only increment when ever there is any change in data in its adjecent (not necessay adjacent) memory location say "factor".
I know its very easy by simply using an EEPROM with some software written in the main controller untill this line is added " Even the designer cannot change cal".

Means this cal is not acceble by the designer. Cal can only be changed (increased)indirectly by updating "factor"

Is there any device available which serves this purpose.

Please help me and Thanx in advance

I dont know for what purpose you are going to use this kind of memory. But i remember this kind of memory will be used in caches.If in a cache, access count algorithm is used to replace the cache, there will be a counter which increments automatically if the data in the cache memory location is accessed....

Thanx but i mean to say that it should be some device like EEPROM. For example in uC PC automatically incremets i need that the device has a register which is hardwired in such a way that it can only be readable and only increments only when its corresponding register value changes or updated

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