logic of connecting RAC04-12DC/230 in certain way


Advanced Member level 4
Sep 12, 2019
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Hello, From the attached table I need to use RAC04-12DC/230 to get +-12 and RAC04-24SC/230 to get +24 signe ended.
RAC04-12DC/230 is dual mode from the photo below.
What is the meaning of COM at pin 3 shown in the photo below?
What is the difference between DUAL is single mode with pin output?



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For all versions, one output voltage is between pins 2 and 3.
For the dual versions, the is one additional output voltage between pins 4 and 3.
Pin 3 must always be used, but the name is different between single and dual versions.
12D & 24S styles use different Pins for Vout- otherwise both support 24 V differential.
If you use the +/-12V version as a 24V supply, the data sheet doesn't specify what happens if the 24V is overloaded or shorted.
One of the outputs will probably see a reverse voltage.

If you use the +/-12V version as a 24V supply, the data sheet doesn't specify what happens if the 24V is overloaded or shorted.
One of the outputs will probably see a reverse voltage.
It specifies auto-recovery from SCP, so I would make that design characteristic a low probability and trust they would have blocked that.

Hello , so if I want 24v single mode I put 24V vout plus , vout minus pin3=GND?correect?
Dual mode:
And if i want +-12V Pin2 +12 pin4 -Vout Com=GND?correct?


GND = any point you DEFINE as 0V as it becomes your reference.
So consider the ground (GND) as an input that you like to connect any low impedance output like Earth (PE) or your floating COM.

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