Your schematic is a little confusing as the IXTH48P20P is a MOSFET but you show it as a BJT.
However, the question seems to ask what transistor type to use for Q1. Almost any type that can handle 100V should be OK as the collector current need not be more than a few mA. Assume that when the Q1 is turned ON, it's collector voltage goes to 0V then calculate the values of R1 and R2 to give the gate voltage you need on Q2.
As Q1 is an NPN bipolar type, the base current decides whether it conducts or not so assuming 0.65V Vbe, and it has a minimum hfe of say 50 you can calculate R1 from Ic/hfe than reduce it's value by say 10 times to be sure Q1 goes fully into saturation.
To advise whether opto-isolation is required, we need to know the application. It would only be for safety reasons, the circuit will function electrically without one.