Hello everyone,
I'm working on a system that accurately records (4) points along the rising edge of the envelope of an RF pulse. It must be able to accomplish this goal over a wide bandwidth. To do this, I decided to use the AD8319 log amp, and use the high-speed LT1721 quad-comparator.
I want to sample a positive RF pulse, but unfortunately the AD8319 has a negative slope, so the input RF pulse is inverted. I corrected this using a AD8058 op-amp in an inverting amplifier configuration with a gain one 1. The problem is the AD8319 produces a DC component with an AC signal on top of the DC (DC-coupled), so this DC component is inverted along with the AC signal, producing a signal that has the right characteristics but is shifted approximately -0.7VDC down.
Is there any easy way to fix this without affecting the performance of the logamp? I want an AC coupled signal fed into the quad comparator, so I can set trigger voltages at, say, 0.2V, 0.4V, 0.6V, and 0.8V.
I tried using a minicircuits coaxial DC block, but it distorted the envelope output. Perhaps it does not have the right frequency characteristics since the max frequency output of the AD8319 is appx. 50 MHz, and that DC block is design for operation up to 18 GHz. Should I just try a normal series capacitor to act as a high-pass filter? If so, what value should I use?
Any ideas are welcome. Thank you in advance!