lockbit mega8 microcontroller

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program the lock bits, disable the spi..note that if you want to reprogram this chip you must use HV programmer..
this means that i can't lock mega8 by stk300 or aspusb programer.ok? :-(
is there any way that i lock ic to stk300 or aspusb?
if answer is negative , pleas help me to make a hv programmer.tank you dear erio :wink:

this means that i can't lock mega8 by stk300 or aspusb programer.ok?

You can lock the chip but cant reprogram..

My advice you to use lockbits till the final product is ready. You can disable spi programming if no further update or change is required in the product.

You can lock the chip but cant reprogram..

My advice you to use lockbits till the final product is ready. You can disable spi programming if no further update or change is required in the product.
incidentally,i don't want to reproggram ic but i want to lock ic and any one can't to copy my program.which bits shuld becom set to lock mega8.if there is source
that descripte lock bits in mega8,pleas tell it's link.tank you. 8O

if you using AVRISP you can lock your atmega in various mode. see the attachment. just tick the lock bit mode and click program..and you good to go.
if you ned more information, just read the mega8 datasheet. all information regarding lock bit is there..


  • AVRISP-LockBits.jpg
    56.3 KB · Views: 88
incidentally,i don't want to reproggram ic but i want to lock ic and any one can't to copy my program.which bits shuld becom set to lock mega8.if there is source
that descripte lock bits in mega8,pleas tell it's link.tank you.

Page 222 of atmega8 have it all.
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