Locating a robot in an indoor and noisy environment

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Member level 5
Mar 18, 2014
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Hi y'all,

I was looking for the best and accurate way of locating a moving robot in an indoor environment. I have seen some technologies using WI-FI, RFID and bluetooth to measure the signal strength and calculate the distance from it. I would love to hear if anyone of you had done something similar and say something about it.

Any recommendations other than using signal strength to accurately locate an indoor object is also an interest for me.


This is an example which is hard to implement but it might lead to some solution...

An airport beacon rotates while it broadcasts its compass azimuth moment-to-moment. This automatically tells an airplane which heading to fly toward the airport. However I guess it would not work in close quarters. The radio beam needs to be highly directional.

A rotating led could do something similar. (Make it IR if the rules say no visible led's allowed.) The robot would need to have a built-in electronic compass. It will only work in one room, with no obstruction.

What are the properties of the interference for noise, reflection and transmission properties?

For example from audio to microwave to visible to X-Ray range?
Is this to be a passive beacon approach or active response or communicate location determined by robot.

What resolution, range and accuracy is required? Beyond line of sight? within? Beyond plaster wire mesh walls?

What constraints for remote locator? single , multiple, networked Zigbee? Cost? complexity? Purpose?

I would like to assume the worst possible environment so I can consider all the possible challenges and make a generic solution. For example an indoor environment with lots of partitions and lets assume we want a robot to clean each partition by moving from one to the other. So we would like to know (x,y) of the robot at time t.

Even in an empty room IR would tell existence of an object not (x,y), I don't think that can be used here. A good range(50-100m), best accuracy(<1 inch), beyond line of sight would be my choices. And it is a good idea if the robot can also have active response kinda comm.

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