i am designing a dual band LNA , S parameters are fine and their dips are occuring at the required frequencies but NOISE FIGURE dip is not occuring at the required frequency but NF value at the wanted freq is fine( 2.4 dB )
You are right. The optimum source impedance for minimum NF may not match the input impedance of a LNA. You have to trade-off RL for NF. Because you are designing a LAN, NF should be more important. Keep the RL within the spec and the lower NF you can get the better. Thanks.
bcdeepak said:
hi khouly ,
at 2.4GHz i am getting a dip in S11 and S22 curves, so there is impedance matching at 2.4GHz .
but NF dip is occuring at 1.6dB , that means NF is minimum at 1.6 , but not minimum at 2.4
can it be like that , i mean ,my doubt is wherever impedance matching occurs , is it not guranteed that NF can be minimum at the same freq ???