lna & mixer designing and simulating by matlab

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Oct 26, 2010
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I want to know how to design and simulate an rf system (transceiver) especially lna and mixer with matlab toolboxes.I need a full tutorial about it.
you know we are going to design a full zigbee system with matlab and we don't know how to do it?
tankyou for all beforehand.

Our diffficulties were resolved somewhat but now we have some problem about the receiver architecture.I want the receiver for noncoherent doqpsk and I can find nothing about it.whole the paper and thesis give the systematic and dsp architecture and mathemathical algorithms for doqpsk and none of them have no information about the rf section and analog receiver (front-end and baseband).


If I understanded your problem correctly, you don't know how much impact from front-end to your whole receiver system. Generally speaking, you need not take LNA and mixer into consider based on this situation.
You need know ADC first. Because, all effect will be seen from ADC to digital domain ( only nyquist zone you will care). You goal is simply the RF receiver into an ADC parameter with frequency response.

Then you can check below question list:

1. Is your ADC define as digital IF or zero IF( direct demodulation from RF) : Then you must know the relative frequency to fs/2, and the wave form in frequency domain rotation or not( it will depends on which nyquist zone you sampling)
2. How much is RF side width related to nyquist zone, there is frequency response, then you must take it as a reverse digital filter( for reverse frequency response)
3. What signal noise ratio is on ADC, if you take LNA into consider, you can calc the whole radio system SNR before ADC. Put it as a parameter to simulation when you insert a signal you can adjust noise level depend on this ratio.
4. You can also add some blocking interference on the ADC input simulate as it from RF side.
5. There is also non-linearity parameter, then it will also impact on ADC IIP3.

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