lmhostid command returns nothing .. HELP

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Advanced Member level 2
Nov 7, 2001
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Hi all,
./lmhostid in linux returns me ""

I dont have a ethernet card in my pc .. how will i know my hostid sothat i can gen my lic. Or can i generate lic with diskserialno or flexid for linux


lmhostid linux

I got the same issue using VMware!

lmhostid vmware

If you type in xterm "lmhostid" , this will return back with HostID of your computer.

linux lmhostid

The problem is that this is the answer from lmhostid : hostid=""

vmware lmhostid empty

You need a Ethernet Card or Dongle in printer port for lmhostid. The default IP is Try this one if you don't have Ethernet Card.

lmhostid returns nothing

I would like to refocus this threat as I am have this problem when installing Cadence on Suse 10 within Vmware. So just wondering if anyone has found the answer the problem earlier.

lmhostid empty

what does /sbin/ifconfig tell you?

command to get lmhostid

The above is the message returned from ifconfig, the HW address which is what the lmhostid is suppposed to return is present so I not understand why would it be empty.

lmutil lmhostid return null

Maybe you can get more information using the lmutil command.

lmhostid returns null centos

try hostid=any
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lmutil lmhostid return null

That only works with some license schemes.

lmutil lmhostid dont return

run the given make file, then navigate to that folder after that run the command.
as u dont have ethernet card u've default IP. but many licences are based on such ids only as they are necssary component of system.hard disk number is also one of them.

suse lmhostid

DISK_SERIAL_NO Was abandoned many years ago, but it's worth a try - what is puzzling is the command should return all valid hardware HOSTID's - or since it's been years since I worked on Unix, (equiv. Linux), does the command return the HOSTID in the lic. file? - if so it could be port@xxxx - if the network is unavailable then you might get a null string.


lmhostid en linux

The problem is that I have a sort of have an ethernet card. I am actually running the suse 10.3 on Vmware Workstation 5.0.

empty lmhostid

Why not check your vmware,so that it will show you a vmnet card?
Create a new virtual machine with bridge mode,I remember that the vmware also have hardware address.

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