LLC resonant converter


May 28, 2024
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Half bridge output of LLC Resonant converter is coming like this. Why rise time is this much high? . Gate resistor used is 10 ohm and fod3180 is used.Switching frequency is 100 KHz. Actually unit should be in volts instead of amps.

It seems you are asking about the risetime output of 50 Hz without any schematic, layout or design assumptions on how 100 kHz is used.

Also please explain why you are exceeding the device BW spec. Your query ought to contain all the data to analyze properly.


your time base is 5mS/div and you are looking at output voltage ( at what volts / div ?) ? into some sort of load ? - undefined by you,

a lot more information needed - including the power source you are running your converter from and the feedback loop you have come up with -

and the nature of the load.

Actually it is output voltage. Load is not connected and the power source is dc source of 0-32 V. No feedback loop.

My doubt is whether parasitic inductance cause this much problem because iam using proto board and not pcb. If so then what can I do to mitigate it?

are you sure it is not the source power supply playing up ? possibly from the RFI coming from your converter ?

look at the Vin on a scope.

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