Linux Suse Pro. versus Linux Redhat Adv. Server

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Advanced Member level 3
May 17, 2001
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synopsys support suse


Does someone have any comparison between:

Linux Suse Pro and Linux Redhat Advanced Server?

1. h**p://
2. h**p://

* -> t


the only thing i read are :
suse have encrypted disk/files as option
suse have a better install interface

i run redhat 7.2 but I want to check out suse
do anyone knows any pro and cons.?

hmm ..

Redhat is more Gnome based and Suse KDE

I prefer Suse eventhough Redhat is more establsihed. SUSE has an excellent supoport database and the install goes pretty smooth too.

I think the already have the first 64bit system ....

beside that .. philosophy - some appz run better under redhat others better und suse ...

scigraphica (origin equivalent in win) works fine on redhat for e.g. but gave headaches under suse. not swure how v8 looks.


Who cantell me whether synopsys support suse?


I have some experience in suse 6.2 & 7.2 pro

The redhat is the most popular(and old==experience),
(avliable also in storg system,playstation2,embededsystem)

but some of the first ver have a lot of problem with installation
The SUSE com take the ver of redhat and add to it some usefull util,
that start on ver 6.x an easy install prog (yast1) in ver 6.x of installation, nice but you still have configurate the hd manualy(a part)

In ver 7.x they use yast2 (you can use also yast1) a great prog that
make your life easy for install all the prog and also make the complete configuration of the hardware
(some small problems if you have sb-live he install drivers but the analog outpus work the digital "spdif are of" , and the video card install the 2d drivers 3d in software need update for the 3d hardware nvidia-cards)

If you are starter the installation is esay,the single problem in multiboot system the declaration is no clear easy to undertand but if is the single system you have no bproblem and also in multiboot you have the option
to make a floppy boot diskete (that recommended if you are not sure how to configure the mutiboot)

what nice too(ver7.2) is 7cds or 1dvd for intallation a lot of prog and util
(the full installation can take some hours the dvd is nice you did not need
to repale the cds).

i don't test the lasts ver 8.x

you get with suse 5manuals nice and a lot of info (some time you need to look in some books for the info you need)

I don't see in the market (end 2001) specific books for suse
for the redhad you can find a lot of books.(if someone find wellcome tell me)

other globaly books have info for all the system of linuk

In the last row

Also the redhat and the suse(lastets ver) are grate programms
Inside the kde they look ~same, the single difference are
the special suports tools and the app+prog that you get with the prog.

Look for what you need from the prog (additional prog) is important
if you don't want to start download them in from internet.

Best regards.

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