That circuit does not allow the output voltage to go below the reference voltage, V2 ( achieved when R7 = 0Ω).
How are you going to power the op amp?
The op amp polarity is correct as it provides negative feedback for the loop (due to the signal inversion of Q2).
The loop will likely be unstable and oscillate due to the added loop gain from Q2, so some compensation will be required, such as a capacitor from collector to base of Q2.
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Here's a way to adjust to 0V out:
Connect a pot across the V2 reference and the connect the wiper to the (-) input of the op amp (removing the connection shown of course). That will allow adjustment of the output voltage between 0V and 20V for the values of V2, R7 and R8 shown. The voltage divider action of R7 and R8 determine the maximum voltage.
(Note that to go to zero volts the op amp must be a rail-rail type).