I made my homebrew power supply from a 12V 3A transformer, with center tap.
Ordinary full-wave diode bridge.
4,700 uF smoothing capacitor.
It is variable from 0 to 16V, by means of adjusting bias through a 2N3055 transistor. It is heat-sunk to the steel enclosure. It gets hot enough to burn my finger when I crank up the power.
The meter is switchable between showing volts and amperes.
I added a second adjustable supply in case I wanted to configure it for bipolar operation, or to obtain 6VAC for cooler operation at reduced volt output.
Mostly I just use it as a current-limited supply with a 220 ohm resistor screwed down against the post.
I have a 2.5 A variac which I have used a few times for odd purposes. But come to think of it, there would be nothing wrong with using it to vary the DC output. There would be no need for a transistor getting hot.
120 V at 2.5 A makes 300 W.
Going through a 12V transformer could conceivable deliver 25 A.