It sounds as though you want to control 4 lines, independently, from 3 pins?
You could send binary 00, 01, 10, 11. That is 4 possibilities. Then assemble a bunch of logic gates to decode these data. You'll have 4 independent outputs. This is a 1-of-4 detector.
Hmmm, I'm wrong. You do not have independent control. Only one led can be on at any one time.
You need a 1-of-16 detector, to handle all combinations. This would require 4 input wires.
However you want to do it from fewer wires. I think the solution is to turn on a timed power source to an led, and have it stay on for, say 2 seconds. Rotate an 'On' pulse to each led in turn (only the led's you want to be on), once per second. This method will require only 2 control wires.