It is very simple actually.
1-Measure, with an accurate and CALIBRATED ohmeter (at least 4 1/2 digits) the value of each resistor. Write it down. Make sure you null out the probe's resistance, and for values lower than 100 ohms use Kelving sensing. Also record the ambient temperature.
2-Consult the manufacturer's datasheets to see the power derating at 150C. You may find, for instance, that a 1 watt resistor can only dissipate 0.1 watt at that temperature.
3-Use the method suggested by ravindragudi
4-Every week or so, unpower the test jig, allow the resistors to FULLY cool down to the temperature in step 1, and measure them again with the same instrument of step 1.
5-plot the results.
6-Repeat. Usually 1000 hours testing is enough, but more stringent applications may require longer periods.