saumya_85 said:
I got document ?
Could anybody suggest me Whether it is right or wrong?
please read the very first para which says,"Ballast lifetime calculations are one of the most difficult items to be calculated because it is determined by the lifetime of all the components used and
the amount of stress (voltage, current and temperature)
on each of these components."
later in the article, this parameter doesn't appear to have been dealt with.
, How about the spikes deliberately created, and the voltage extremes like 120 in the peak hours and near 300 in slack hours of the rural belt. heavy fluctuations due to motors operating. Lightening spikes during mansoon season. All these parameters contribute to early failures. lack of quality control and rushed manufacture to make things chap, lets down the life. Most probable failures are attributable to cheap wire used for the inductor used in the designs, that land the component to partial shot.etc
Thus while a paper may speak in support of their manufacturing process, that alone may not reflect the reality, i fear.