I am working with an IOT based project on raspberry Pi. My project consists of temperature/humidity sensor with transmitter module(ADAM2017) and a raspbee zigbee receiver, used for rececption. The raspbee is interfaced serially with Pi and Pi is connected to a mosquitto server which is running on another PC. So this UART value can be accessed by web UI remotely and based on the temperature and humidity values I want to automatically control a relay. As I had more experience in microcontroller C programming, I select the libmosquitto C client library, mosquitto server and bcm2835 library for this project. I had successfully worked with bcm2835 library in Pi using Geany compiler. But the problem is how I can combine this libmosquitto and bcm2835 library. I had tried by adding the header files and also giving the paths but can't succeed. My aim is to connect the Pi and transfer the UART data to a mosquitto server running on another PC which can be then accessed by web UI. I can't find any similar projects using libmosquitto and bcm library available on internet?. Can somebody suggest solution for this?