LG Flatron 21" CRT (21FG4RGE-A9) service menu default settings needed

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Newbie level 2
Sep 24, 2018
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Hello Guys,

I have LG Flatron 21" (CRT TV) 21FG4RGE-A9. The settings of TV have been changed somehow. I would like the standard factory settings (WR, WG, WB, BLOR, BLOG, BLOB, VSLOP, VA, VS, HS, H-PAR, H-BOW, V-LIN etc.) for this TV so I can enter them via the Service Menu.

Does anyone have the Service Manual for LG 21 inch Flatron CRT TV (21FG4RGE-A9).

I would like to get the settings back to the original factory ones.

Any assistance would be appreciated.

Most of those would be configured in the factory to suit your particular TV so the 'defaults' would be different from one TV to the next.
In general, to ensure most range of adjustment, the designer would make the center value the design target and the production line would 'tweak' each setting up or down slightly to compensate for TV differences.


Yes you are right Brian. But the thing is that the picture was not properly straight after my tv undergone a repair. It was curvy from the bottom right side. Rest from all sides it is fine. Resulting in which the picture is curvy. I tried to change the various settings from the service menu but that increased the problem. I want to know which setting should I change so that my picture would become straight. It is bowed upside from the bottom right.

The service settings only alter the basic drive waveforms to the CRT and scanning yoke. If only one corner is bowed it may be something different. Sometimes there are fixed magnets around the scanning yoke to distort specific parts of the picture. If it has been repaired, it is more likely that one of them has been disturbed. Open the TV and look at the neck of the CRT. If there are short (usually about 20mm) magnets on movable stalks around the scanning yoke, note their positions and try moving them. If they are there at all, you should find they distort only a small region on the edge of the picture.

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