Let's suppose some one completed all features of PIC 16f877a MCU,

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Aug 1, 2011
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Let's suppose some one completed all features of PIC 16f877a MCU, that mean he completed the all midrage of MCU's, except Enhanced midrand. am I correct?

Currently our institute going to starts new batch for MCU program. so our lecture invited to me to support him from next batch onwards. Therefore we started promotions for next batch, so some Hobbyist are calling and asked how many Micro controllers are covered by the course( Normally our institute mainly focus only PIC 16f877a)

Please advice
Thanks in advance

Dear engshahrul,
Thanks for reply
Can I have a reply to my problem that i mansion above?
Thanks in advance

You are right about the most of features of micro-contoller are the in PC16F877A But I think one can not generalize this based on One IC.....different IC have their own special feature so one need to be careful while one must be care ful about the feature....bcz registers used and all differs for differnt IC....and most important in internal clock configuration.....

Good luck
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Dear milind.a.kulkarn

Thanks for reply
I reffed to 16f architecture, can you please explain what are the features that 16f877a not have and other have

thanks in advance

In the 16F877A, for setting ADC channels as digital/analogue in 16F877A, you use the ADCON1 register. In many other microcontrollers in the 16F series, there are other registers specifically for this: ANSEL and ANSELH (check 16F887, 16F690, etc).

The 16F877A does not have ECCP module that is available in many other microcontrollers in the 16F series like 16F887 and 16F690.

16F877A does not have internal oscillator, while others like 16F690 do.

So, there are differences. Just using 16F877A won't cover everything. But it has most of the stuff.

Hope this helps.
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Dear tahmid
Thanks for reply
as per your point out the additional features that 16f877a does not have , I think some one can capture them self, if they have been going through 16f877a . am I right?
thanks in advance


Seems you are saying on one hand you have covered all the functions of the 877A, but then you are wanting to know what other functions all the other chips may have extra.

You can use Microchips parametric search facilities to help there. https://www.microchip.com/ParamChartSearch/chart.aspx?branchID=1002&mid=10&lang=en&pageId=74

Is your course just teaching the functions of the Pic chips or are you incorperating practical projects like Engsharul details ?

Rather than try to cover everything, which is not always a good idea, why not produce core lessons on the main fuctions like ADC, SPI, I2C etc.
Each course will develop according to the students taking part and by the time the core subjects have been covered thier feedback / interests may guide you into new areas for the rest of the course, making it more challenging and enjoyable for the student and tutors alike.
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Dear wp100
Thanks for detailed reply
Is your course just teaching the functions of the Pic chips or are you incorperating practical projects like Engsharul details ?

Our institute mainly focused on core lesson and some practical projects base on main function s like timer0, timer1 timer2 adc i2c ccp

any advice
thanks in advance

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