C stands for capacitance and r stands for resistance (In general). So best generally takes optimum values (To account for small delay Numbers). And Worst takes pessimistic values (Large delays). So we can have the following variations
1. Worst Cap Worst Resistance
2. Best Cap Best Resistance
3. Worst cap Best Resistance
4. Best Cap and worst resistance
I haven't seen best case and worst case spef. I think SPEF is corner independent. Can someone throw light ?
Based on the availability of .libs, we can do Timing Analysis in all possible combinations and find out whether timing is met or not.
BC Best Case
WC Worst Case
WCL Worst Case Low Temperature (To account for NBTI ? Or Inductance ?) I dont know what L stands)
ML I haven't heard this (But may be with Inductance into consideration)
3.Why we do sign-off STA with the following method
BC+cbest/WC+rcworst/ML+rcbest for hold time check
WC+rcworst/WCL+rcworst for setup time check
We consider pessimistic approach in general. I mean , for how much ever worse a parameter gets, we should still be able to close timing. Setup check pessimism analysis goes as follows
For worst delay possible(slowest possible delay) with data path and for best delay possible with clock path, the data should still be captured by the clock well before setup time requirements.
And for hold, for best possible (fastest data path delays) and for max skew possible with clock, the data should still not change untill hold time is passed.