I reconfigured the LED light for 12vdc.
I simply put a 1k resistor in series with the LED.
Since I switch the 4PDT 35 amp relay using 15 to 17vdc, it makes sense to let the green light show that the grid shore power is on or not on.
I already use a 12vdc yellow LED to indicate the other 4PDT 35 amp relay is selecting either gen or inverter power, yellow light is on when gen is on.
This just means running a multi wire control cable about 10 feet to the helm from the relay box.
I have such a multiwire cable I am not using for anything , it has many 24 gauge wires, maybe 12 even, so more than I need.
I wonder will the LED lamp resistor running at 1k get hot?
I will have to check that too.
(the 15 to 17vdc is sourced from a wallwart, not an engine alternator or charger, so the DC voltage level won't be jumping around)
It gets a little complex. the main relay is switching with a 15 vdc wall wart which actually outputs 17 vac, (the coil on the 4PDT will work with 15vdc to 17vdc without being warmed)
I then also have an auto cube relay SPDT cutout which cuts out the possibility of the other 35 amp 4PDT relay for the inverter or gen from ever being able to somehow interconnect another power source at the same time. That cube relay coil I drive with 12vdc derived using a bunch of 5 watt 100 ohm resistors in a voltage divider arrangement.
I have been thinking I could use a 15 vdc switching wallwart which would output 15vdc, but the heavier version is working. The one on there now is rated at 19watts outputs 500 milliamps.