LED matrix with snake, clock and date

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Advanced Member level 4
Aug 2, 2011
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It is a LED matrix with snake, clock and date. The device uses three DS18B20, Atmega32 and Bluetooth, through which you can control the game (module BTMDC748 can be set as SSP).
Snake has a simple menu for selecting the speed. There is also a DS1307 support.

This video shows operation of the clock:


The system consists of:
  • main board
  • display board
  • pad
  • control panel

Mentioned above parts of the device are connected by cables on sockets, so they can be easily disconnected. The main board is screwed to the display with distances.
Each part of the matrix consists of the following elements:

Main board:
  • Atmega32
  • socket for DS1307
  • TIP127 x8
  • transistors
  • resistors
  • quartz for RTC
  • ISP socket
  • socket for the pad and for the front panel

Display board:
  • 74HC595 x8
  • transistor x64
  • 8x8 RG matrix x4
  • resistors

Front panel:
  • switch x6
  • dip switch x8
  • DS18B20
  • socket for DS18B20 x2

Dip switches are used for controlling the functions, which is simple in configuration. The system has three inputs for thermometers. One of them, which measures the temperature inside, is built in the board. Socket 1 is prepared for the external termometer. Socket 2 is in reserve, if the display was above a heat source. With it you can plug in a thermometer on a short cable. Of course, there is a possibility to use all three thermometers at once (each of them displays temperature in a different color: R RG G). Thermometers are automatically turned on after being plugged in. First three switches are used for turning on/off the sensors, so you can quickly switch them off without disconnecting the cables. The next two switches present TIME/DATE. The next two switches set the game speed and change descriptions. The last switch turns on/off the descriptions.

The device is mobile and operated on a 4,5V flat battery.


Link to original thread (useful attachment) - Matryca LED -snake, zegar, data, 3 x DS18B20 [ATMEGA32] [Bluetooth] -konkurs

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