I see the above drew no reply.
But the massive advantage of cascoded optocoupler feedback goes on.
In offline flybacks, with optocoupler feedback, why doesn't everyone cascode the opto coupler?
-It makes the feedback loop so much easier to stabilise, and more easily provides excellent transient response, as well as better gain and phase margins being easier to get with the cascode.
Note these two equivalent offline flyback simulations.
one has cascoded opto feedback , and the other does not.
Note how the non-cascode version has 2V of overshoot on vout at start-up. Due to the lack of a cascode, this overshoot is virtually impossible to get rid of whilst keeping sufficient gain and phase margin.
Cascodeing is extremely cheap to do...why does everyone not do it?
Schematics and LTspice simulations of offline flybacks given. (one cascode and one no-cascode, but they are the same power level, vin, vout, np/ns, Fsw.