when i run the above program the keil shows some warning what is that
Build target 'Target 1'
compiling ledstil.c...
Program Size: data=9.0 xdata=0 code=114
creating hex file from "ledstiill"...
"ledstiill" - 0 Error(s), 1 Warning(s).
This warning occurs when functions, which were not previously called, are contained in a program (e.g., for test purposes). The function specified is excluded from the overlay process in this case. It is possible that the program then occupies more memory as during a call of the specified segment.
I did wonder where the "clock" bit went!! I see now, I was thinking that earlier!
Incidentally this has coincided with me finding, on one of those "old bits of kit I always thought I'd rip to bits and find useful" thats been in the attick 10 years (an IDE Hard disk copier) has a big 128x64 LCD display on it I think your' code is designed for me to use upon it (nearly )!! It happens to fit pin-perfect in my DemoBoard2 (but I;ve blown half of port C playing with stepper motors, awaiting replacements in post) so I'll cut and paste your code replacing the ports and see if it works! It can't be far off!!! your Port0 is my Port C I think, and the strobe lines I can work out....