lecture for micro controller programing

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Advanced Member level 4
Mar 23, 2009
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Dear all
I am lecture for micro controller programing
I am lecturing PIC Micro controller (Microchip product)
so I need to prove to my students, why we selected this particular product ( Pic) in between other products

can I have any graphical presentation or statistics to prove above
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I'm not sure what you are asking, what kind of statistics are you asking for, what data should it show?


Dear Alexan
I need
In reliability which Poisson pic MCU
In market availability which Poisson pic MCU
in supportability which Poisson pic MCU
in user friendliness which Poisson pic MCU
in MCU sales which Poisson pic MCU
I need compare above and more with Pic MCU and other MCU

like market research report

You said
so I need to prove to my students, why we selected this particular product in between other products
What I'm troubled with is that you want (if I understand correctly) to use that data to show to the students that the PIC is best in every single area... but I don't think that this is true for any MCU.
Different parts of the world use different mcu depending on the project requirements, PIC is just one of the options.


yes your assumption is correct

in our country market leader is pic MCU
Dear Alex, can I have such research web site to get some idea

I don't have such data or a resource to provide you and I don't thing that the data you search for will show what you want them to show but maybe some of the members can help you.


I am afraid what really matters to an engineer is always about the availability of the product and its support/tools to ease the design (programming/updating in case of MCU).
For example, the first MCU, I was able to get its IC and its complete datasheet, was AT89C2051... So my preferred series is now C51 ATMEL MCUs (and its equivalent as the flash MCU, SST89E58RDA, which has the In-Application Programming feature).
So if any of the students will be able to work with real PICs while using his own PC to build a few interesting projects, I would be surprised if he will look for any other series.


hi dayanpad,

If i am not wrongly mistaken, there are other controllers equally or more powerful than PIC today. Do you have to prove that PIC is the best just because PIC is a leading controller dealers or marketers in colombo. Please dont feel bad about the question... if i were a student i would have raised the question...

if you show the comparison then i feel at some point you may prove yourself or your statement wrong as at some point other controllers may prove too strong depending on the application and availability and cost or aftermarket support......

I could give you a few comparison on the same....

hope you take my words in the right spirit.......
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