LDPC is implemented as per the standard:
The LDPC encoder treats the output of the outer encoding, I = ( i0 , i1,...,iKldpc −1) as an information block of size Kldpc Nbch , and systematically encodes it onto a codeword Λ of size Nldpc , where:
The task of the encoder is to determine Nldpc − Kldpc parity bits ( p0 , p1,..., pnldpc −kldpc −1) for every block of Kldpc information bits, ( i0 , i1,...,ikldpc −1) The procedure is as follows:
• Initialize p0 = p1 = p2 = ... = pNldpc −Kldpc −1 = 0
• Accumulate the first information bit, i0 , at parity bit addresses specified in the first row of tables A.1 through A.6. For example, for rate 2/3 ,
p317 = p317 xor i0 p6700 = p6700 xor i0
p2255 = p2255 xor i0 p9101= p9101 xor i0
p2324 = p2324 xor i0 p10057 = p10057 xor i0
p2723 = p2723 xor i0 p12739= p12739 xor i0
p3538 = p3538 xor i0 p17407 = p17407 xor i0
p3576 = p3576 xor i0 p21039 = p21039 xor i0
p6194 = p6194 xor i0
• For the next 359 information bits, im, m =1, 2, ..., 359 accumulate im at parity bit addresses
{x *mmod360*Qldpc}mod(Nldpc -Kldpc ) where x denotes the address of the parity bit accumulator corresponding to the first biti i0 , and Qldpc is a code rate dependent constant specified in table 8(a). Continuing with the example, Qldpc 60 for rate 2/3. So for example for information bit i1, the following operations are performed:
p377 =p377 xori1 p6760=p6760 xor i1
p2315 =p2315 xor i1 p9161=p9161 xor i1
p2384=p2384 xor i1 p10117 =p10117 xor i1
p2783=p2783 xor i1 p12799 =p12799 xor i1
p3598 =p3598 xor i1 p17467 =p17467 xor i1
p3636=p3636 xor i1 p21099=p21099 xor i1
p6254 =p6254 xor i1
• For the 361st information bit i360 , the addresses of the parity bit accumulators are given in the second row of the tables A.1 through A.6. In a similar manner the addresses of the parity bit accumulators for the following 359 information bits im, m = 361, 362, ..., 719 are obtained using the formula {x + (mmod360)×Qldpc}mod(Nldpc − Kldpc ) where x denotes the address of the parity bit accumulator corresponding to the information bit i360 , i.e. the entries in the second row of the tables A.1 through A.6.
• In a similar manner, for every group of 360 new information bits, a new row from tables A.1 through A.6 are used to find the addresses of the parity bit accumulators.
this given in as per standard so need to implement this...