lcf-metr pic
BBarney - sorry if it sounded like I was coming down on you, it wasn't intended that way at all. Nor was I defending John specifically. Actually my comments were meant to include everyone that designs something and then makes it available, either commercially or other means. In the case of EPE, the effort there is to allow you to learn more about areas that interest you and give you a working product at the same time. With the design work that I do, mostly for myself, my motto is "use what you have on hand" and that often decides what parts end up in the finished project. I've gone through some of John's PIC tutorials and, IIRC, the reason the the 3.2768 clock is used is based on his math routines within the program. The ratio factor is easier to run at this freq than others for less calculations. I may be wrong in this and I could go back and locate where I thought I got that impression. In any case, please don't be offended by my earlier post.