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lcd vhdl
Hi all,
I have found an LCD controller for use on my FPGA. but when I try to write some text to it, it shows the text but there are 2 small problems in it.
I want to display the text: " XIOS" but this leads to (on the LCD): http:/" XIOS".
Can someone help me out? Very much thank you!
Hi all,
I have found an LCD controller for use on my FPGA. but when I try to write some text to it, it shows the text but there are 2 small problems in it.
I want to display the text: " XIOS" but this leads to (on the LCD): http:/" XIOS".
Can someone help me out? Very much thank you!
library IEEE;
entity lcd is
Port ( lcd_data : out std_logic_vector (7 downto 4);
clk : in std_logic;
reset : in std_logic;
lcd_enable : out std_logic;
lcd_rs : out std_logic;
lcd_rw : out std_logic );
end lcd ;
architecture behavioural of lcd is
type state_type is (warmup, setfunc, clear1, clear2, setmode1, setmode2, write1, home1, home2);
signal state : state_type;
attribute syn_state_machine : boolean;
attribute syn_state_machine of state : signal is true;
signal count : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
signal finished : std_logic; -- set high if done write cycle
signal char_mode : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
--defining the display
constant N: integer :=8;
type arr is array (1 to N) of std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
constant display_char1 : arr := (X"A0", --blank
x"68", --h
x"74", --t
X"74", --t
X"70", --p
X"3A", --:
X"2F", --/
X"2F"); --/
constant display_char2 : arr := (X"77", --w
x"77", --w
x"77", --w
X"2E", --.
X"66", --f
X"70", --p
X"67", --g
X"61"); --a
constant display_char3 : arr := (X"2E", --.
x"62", --b
x"65", --e
X"88", --blank
X"88", --blank
X"88", --blank
X"88", --blank
X"88"); --blank
constant display_char4 : arr := (X"A0", --blank
X"88", --blank
x"58", --X
x"49", --I
X"4F", --O
X"53", --S
X"88", --blank
X"88"); --blank
signal display_char : arr;
lcd_rw <= '0';
lcd_enable <= clk; --not clk; -- this is very important! if enable is not pulsed, lcd will not write
char_mode_process: process (char_mode)
case char_mode is
when "00" =>
display_char <= display_char1;
when "01" =>
display_char <= display_char2;
when "10" =>
display_char <= display_char3;
when "11" =>
display_char <= display_char4;
when OTHERS =>
display_char <= display_char1;
end case;
end process;
state_set: process (clk, reset, finished)
if reset = '1' then
count <= (others => '0');
state <= warmup;--setfunc;
char_mode <= (others => '0');
elsif (clk'event and clk = '1') then
case state is
when warmup =>
lcd_rs <= '0';
lcd_data <= "0011"; --"0000"; -- do nothing
if count = "0111" then --0111
count <= (others => '0');
state <= setfunc;
count <= count + '1';
state <= warmup;
end if;
when setfunc =>
lcd_rs <= '0';
lcd_data <= "0010";
finished <= '0';
if count = "0010" then --0010
count <= (others => '0');
state <= clear1;
count <= count + '1';
state <= setfunc;
end if;
when clear1 =>
lcd_rs <= '0';
lcd_data <= "0000";
state <= clear2;
when clear2 =>
lcd_rs <= '0';
if count = "0111" then
state <= setmode1;
count <= (others => '0');
lcd_data <= "1111";
count <= count + '1';
lcd_data <= "0001";
state <= clear1;
end if;
when setmode1 =>
lcd_rs <= '0';
lcd_data <= "0000";
state <= setmode2;
finished <= '0';
when setmode2 =>
lcd_rs <= '0';
lcd_data <= "0110";
state <= write1;
when write1 =>
if finished = '1' then
state <= home1;
lcd_rs <= '1';
count <= count + '1';
state <= write1;
CASE count IS
WHEN "0000" =>
lcd_data <= display_char(1)(7 downto 4);
WHEN "0001" =>
lcd_data <= display_char(1)(3 downto 0);
WHEN "0010" =>
lcd_data <= display_char(2)(7 downto 4);
WHEN "0011" =>
lcd_data <= display_char(2)(3 downto 0);
WHEN "0100"=>
lcd_data <= display_char(3)(7 downto 4);
WHEN "0101"=>
lcd_data <= display_char(3)(3 downto 0);
WHEN "0110"=>
lcd_data <= display_char(4)(7 downto 4);
WHEN "0111"=>
lcd_data <= display_char(4)(3 downto 0);
WHEN "1000" =>
lcd_data <= display_char(5)(7 downto 4);
WHEN "1001" =>
lcd_data <= display_char(5)(3 downto 0);
WHEN "1010" =>
lcd_data <= display_char(6)(7 downto 4);
WHEN "1011" =>
lcd_data <= display_char(6)(3 downto 0);
WHEN "1100" =>
lcd_data <= display_char(7)(7 downto 4);
WHEN "1101" =>
lcd_data <= display_char(7)(3 downto 0);
WHEN "1110" =>
lcd_data <= display_char(8)(7 downto 4);
finished <= '1'; -- needed to set done low before valid data is gone
char_mode <= char_mode + '1';
lcd_data <= "0000"; -- ' '
end if;
when home1 =>
lcd_rs <= '0';
lcd_data <= "0000";
state <= home2;
finished <= '0';
count <= (others => '0');
when home2 =>
lcd_rs <= '0';
lcd_data <= "0111";
state <= write1;
end case;
end if;
end process;
end behavioural;