While the basic principles of interfacing and driving a multi segmented LCD display are simplistic, the actual implementation can be a challenge.
Your LCD display consists of 8 digits total, 6 digits with a height of 9.8mm and 2 digits with a height of 4.8mm, the remainder of the segments comprised various custom symbols, words, decimal points, etc, along with four COM pins.
Each digit is comprised of 7 segments, which are sequentially numbered, with 1st digit on the far left, as follows:
1 digit => (1A, 1B, 1C, 1D, 1E, 1F, 1G)
2 digit => (2A, 2B, 2C, 2D, 2E, 2F, 2G)
8 digit => (8A, 8B, 8C, 8D, 8E, 8F, 8G)
The LCD display requires 25 I/O pins which must be multiplexed at a fast enough rate to ensure steady illumination, no flicker, of all the segments, the active COM pin determines which row is updated.
Typically an external controller specifically designed to drive such a LCD display is employed, which diminishes the number of required I/O pins and processing overhead required from the microcontroller.
However, a series of daisy chained shift registers, 74HC595s, can be employed to control the LCD display, diminishing the number of required I/O pins from microcontroller, while still required the microcontroller to carry the processing overhead.
It should also be mentioned, these LCD display typically require an AC signal to drive each segment, this is accomplished by generating a series of pulses (PWM) and implementing a voltage divider on all COMs.
The following appnote details such a design:
PSoC 4 Segment LCD Direct Drive
After studying the requirements to implement a viable design, you soon realize why there are microcontrollers specifically designed to handle such a task.