LCD + Microcontroller

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Newbie level 5
Sep 23, 2009
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Hello all,

I am doing research for a project and want to go in depth on low powered LCD displays (for displaying voltage, charge status etc). I am wondering where to start, and if anyone has some good websites/references for me to start. I have googled some stuff already, but I know there are some experts here. Some of the topics I will be looking into are:

graphical vs. alphanumeric
segment vs. touchscreen
size(characters and lines)
monochrome vs color
power consumption
ease of programming

Also, when choosing an LCD display, do I first look for a microprocessor or the LCD display?

Thanks for your help!

First thing you have to od is decide Graphic or Character LCD your self and then ask relevant things to forum?

Thanks for the reply,

I have chosen to use alphanumeric and segmented display, but I for my research I want to use other articles and references to show why I am using the mentioned topics, using data to help my decisions. For example, it's obvious for me to use alphanumeric instead of graphical for the purposes of displaying text and bar graphs, but I want some references to show the advantages and disadvantages of each topic.

In reference to your suggestion for me to ask relevant things to the forum, I am new and would like some direction as to where I should be asking these questions. If this forum is not the right place, where should I go to pursue my answers?


PS: I am still wondering about the microprocessor question: do I first choose an LCD that fits my project and then choose microprocessor later?

Anybody else have any suggestions, or another place to refer me to?


I have chosen to use alphanumeric and segmented display, but I for my research I want to use other articles and references to show why I am using the mentioned topics, using data to help my decisions.

So, basically what you do is to choose your LCD randomly, and then you try
to find out why it best fits your specs?


Well not exactly. My group is doing a solar powered charger, where you can plug in USB or car charger. The key to our project is optimization, so I know that we won't need a graphical display just to show battery voltage etc. But for some other characteristics of LCDs I want to know what will be the most efficient, low powered, etc and why.


If you want to be energy efficient, you can use bistable LCDs. They display the last thing entered even when not powered.

You can update the value once per second, and with a small shut off circuit, save energy.

Thanks m_gray,

Does anyone know if it matters whether I choose the LCD first or the microprocessor to control it? Do I need to choose them together?


Which micro to chose is down to what is readily available in your area, for lcd usage suggest you get one with sufficent pins to meet your current and future needs.
Consider chips from Amtel and Microchip which are well supported by forums like this

Also companies like Microchip do many chips in low power nano watt versions which should be best suited to your needs - they have masses of low power info on their web site.

You cannot just consider the current of the lcd, they are generally very low anyway, providing you use a refelective type that does not use a backlight.
Things like a badly chosen voltage regulator can waste more power than the rest of the circuit combined, so selection of this part is vital if low power is the key.


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Another option to approach this problem is browsing through eval boards with small LCDs. You can check Olimex and download a couple fo their schematics. Best might be to order a low cost eval board with LCD and have it for reference. Be aware though that you should order a newer board, released within the last year because LCDs become obsolete really fast, especially the low cost ones.
Hope this helps, Bob

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