layout design of an adapter using Altium

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Prem Arjun

Junior Member level 1
Junior Member level 1
May 20, 2015
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Hello Everyone,

I am learning pcb design using the Altium tool. I have designed a simple adapter to connect to boards. Please check the pcb design and let me know if i need to do some improvements.
Thanks in advance.


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- - - Updated - - -

I'll preface to say I'm an EE that does design work by profession but PCB layout by necessity.

You can probably clean up some of the routes by using the bottom layer for some of the P2 to P3 connections.

Maybe re-route the NRST trace between P2.37 and P2.38. It's close to M4 and may get shorted depending on the mounting hardware

Check the route spacing between the through hole connectors. I prefer to have them centered and with a bit more space around the bends.

A bit of a nit-pick but the trace exits on P1 are not centered (Pins 2-5, 11).

You may want to consider a ground pour on top, at least around the 2 P1 mounting pads (with thermal relief). They don't look structurally sound.

Optionally, If this is a debug/breakout board, you may want to add some vias (test points) on some of the lines as you deem important for probing. It will also make some of the routing cleaner.
Thank you so much spudboy488 for your time and valuable inputs.

"You may want to consider a ground pour on top, at least around the 2 P1 mounting pads (with thermal relief). They don't look structurally sound".
For this I tried to adding some Vias around and tried to connect it to the groundView attachment adapter Is this going to work out? If not could you please show me how it can be done.
And one more question. Does the trace width of P1.8 is sufficient or need to be increased?

Thanks once again.
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Personally, I would center the route from P2.37 where it runs under the connector. This could be eliminated by running P2.33 to P3.2 route on the back

You need to put the P1.15 and P1.16 thermal relief pads back. It will make it much easier to solder.

The P3.8 route is incomplete. Again, run it on the back directly to P2.

Something I just noticed, based on the overlay, is P2 going to fit with screws in M2 and M4?

The same P2 and P3? They look like they butt right up against each other.

What's stopping you from using the back of the board to route? What's stopping you from adding a ground pour to the top for the mounting?

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