I've just build 2-transistor forward off-line converter with the UC3844. The output voltages are 25V 6,5A (main output, stabilized) and 15V 4A (non stabilized). The two transistors that switch primary winding are driven from small gate drive transformer (the gates must be galvanically separated). UC3844 is powered from an additional slave flyback converter that outupts 18V to power the chip. But there is a problem.
I try tu run the converter by slowly increasing input voltage from autotransformer.
When the output reaches 25V i can hear loud and irregular "clattering" in the transformer core (ETD39) which most probably is the result of saturating of the core. I think that UC3844 generates wafeform which ratio is higher than 50% (but i don't know why - this chip should not work this way). After several seconds UC3844 stops working suddenly and draws as much as 100 mA from its Vcc. At the same time, VREF drops to about 3V and output waveform at pin 6 disappears.
I enclosed part of the schematic.
What could be the cause of the problem ?