Latch is inferred due to RTL coding

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Full Member level 3
Jul 25, 2007
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Hello everyone,

I am curious why synthesis tool infer a latch when not all the possible "CASE condition" are specified.

Can anyone share their knowledge? Thanks.

because the circuit can't determine signal status in the other branch of case statement!

Hi ljxpjpjljx,

I am curious how the synthesis tool end up with a latch when it can determine the signal status in other branch.

Can you help to explain in more details?



When the synthesis tool cannot determine 'not define condition', it will keep the previous value.
Plus, inside ur case statement you didnt define "default:"

Thus, it will infer a latch.


always @(sel) // Level sensitive
case (sel)
2'b00: out = I0;
2'b10: out = I1;
endcase // Here u dont define "default" value

In this case, what is the output value if
sel = 2'b00 --> out = I0;
Now, what is out if sel is set to 2'b11.
In simulation result, it will keep or HOLD previous value which is out = I0.

To synthesis tool, this is a latch.

Unless, u define "default: out = I1;"
Now, other than 2'b00 and 2'b10, out is by default equal to I1.

Hope my explanation is clear to u.
If u still have any doubts, pls let me know.


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will anyone agree with me if I take inferred latch as example to justify:

One shouldn't jump into conclusion just by looking at the combinational area, to judge the quality of a design.

If take no_mad's example,
there is a high probability that in the case of
- without default
- noncombinational area is L
- combinational area is M
- total area is L+M
- with default
- noncombinational area is 0(zero)
- combinational area is N

In most cases :
N > M but L+M > N

Just I rephrase it to
One shouldn't jump into conclusion just by looking at the combinational area, to judge the quality of a design, UNLESS THERE IS NO INFERRED LATCH.

what do you think ? Am I right ?

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