Laser Tracking System

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Newbie level 3
Feb 18, 2012
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Hi, first post, hope this is the right section. I need to design a system that will track and control a satellite dish antenna. I have been given a solar panel kit, a satellite motor and a laser light module, however, i am not limited to these.

Anyone have any ideas as to how i should go about this?


I'm not completely sure. The question was very ambiguous. I am assuming i shine the laser onto a wall and have the satellite follow it automatically.
Or shine the laser at the satellite, and have it move so it receives the best signal.

Ok, so had more clarification. we have a solar panel attached to motor and a bulb which spins around the motor. the "satellite" needs to follow the bulb (acting like the sun for example as it rotates around the axis)

Hello Nthn,

Your last post made actually the problem bit more lucid. What i understand is, u need to grab the intensity of light coming from different directions, and the position which gives you the maximum light sensitivity is the angle of sun (source in your case). Now, taking these co-ordinates you adjust the motor (in which the solar panel is attached). This problem will actually be a sort of closed loop feedback control system where you keep on getting signals from a sensor (Any light sensor (Photo-diode)) and the as the source (spinning bulb) keeps on changing position so will your position feedback.

I hope this helps.
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yes that is what i had in mind. just not sure how to implement it all.

thanks for confirmation that i was on the right track though

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