Large Signal Stability Analysis

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Newbie level 5
May 24, 2019
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Hi all,
I am designing a doubler with an input buffer. the Doubler itself is running with a bias near cut-off and using a push-push structure, while the input buffer is a simple CS structure. When I check stability, I often use the S probe in cadence environment, and the SP probe in ADS. However, as far as I am aware, these probes only work for sp analysis, which is small signal. However, my circuit's S parameters will change once the input signal is entered because of the class B style biasing of the doubler, so I would need to check stability in the large signal condition, and I was wondering how this could be done in both Cadence Virtuoso and ADS.


Is there an active closed loop amplifier present? The
description leaves me to wonder. How would instability
be expected to manifest?

My usual go-to is a transient analysis with a step-line,
step-in, step-load stimulus to inspect whatever might
ensue. Looking for critically or overdamped response
characteristic. If you are working at really high frequency
then maybe you worry about single-transistor oscillation
with the right parasitic L, C without a larger loop, tran
ought to show that if you look close enough and the
tolerances are tight enough for a small-loop oscillation
to take hold without numerical quenching. Maybe run
a FFT that could show even minuscule spurs if present,
rather than hand plotting every node to inspect? Just
find a few nodes which "ought to respond, if"?

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