Large 7-segment LED soldering

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Junior Member level 2
Jul 12, 2007
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London, UK
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I am designing a large 7-seg LED display (85x 5mm LEDS per digit, 10 digits). This makes 3600 solder joints for the display alone, if I use 1 resistor per LED.

What would the best way of soldering this be? I have heard something about solder paste and solder mask... would they help?


this is going to be one bad soldering experience... i suggest you buy one rather than soldering it all....

solder paste and solder mask would be useful but since the joints are gonna be very small its usefulness is very much limited....

i know some of the small production, they use a plate-like bowl fill with the melt solder and put the bottom side of the PCB down and take it up, all the legs will be solder ready. i do not know how but i saw it i also dunno why the solder only stick on the pin legs.

For solder paste you will need an stencil and then an oven to melt the solder. Usually this method is for mass production lines.

If you are going to produce a lot of them, then is better to get a Solder pot (this is the device that sp mentioned), there are several shapes and sizes.

If you are going to build just one, just do it yourself.


we called it "solder pot". it is not used by us any more. now we use wave solder for thourgh holes and reflow soder for smt.


connect the leds in series and supply them from a higher voltage to reduce the number of resistors needed

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