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how laplace ,Z and fourier transform are differ from each other....i know the realtion between Laplace and fourier trnasform
the factor s=σ+jω... ie σ refers to attenuation and ω stands for angular frequency..
if basis function used is e**(-st) then it is laplace transform..if transform relinqushes attenuation(a nondamping system) then basis function becomes
e**-jωt.. this is called as fourier transform..
but what is the relation between Laplace and Z also between Z and fourier transform
the factor s=σ+jω... ie σ refers to attenuation and ω stands for angular frequency..
if basis function used is e**(-st) then it is laplace transform..if transform relinqushes attenuation(a nondamping system) then basis function becomes
e**-jωt.. this is called as fourier transform..
but what is the relation between Laplace and Z also between Z and fourier transform